Testing for Mold in Your Home

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Testing for Mold in Your Home

It is true, mold is everywhere, but the last place you’d want to see it is in your home. The good news is that you can do some things to test for mold

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It is true, mold is everywhere, but the last place you’d want to see it is in your home. The good news is that you can do some things to test for mold just by doing a few routine maintenance checks. Mold is a type of fungus that can grow from tiny spores that float in the air. It can grow almost anywhere on which the spores land and come in contact with moisture. It is easy to spot mildew, which is the visible type of mold.

Mold or Dirt?

Many times it is not hard to spot mold. However, small or hidden growths of mold can appear just like a dirty area. Mold testing Reno NV-based and other locations are available for you to do at home. To perform this quick test, you can simply dip a swab in bleach that has been diluted with water and dab it on the wall. If the spot lightens up quickly, you can make the assumption that it is mold. Mold test kits are available for purchase to help detect and identify the type of mold that is present. However, these kits will not tell you the cause of the mold.

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Removing Mold

If you have mold in your home, you must remove it. If the mold covers at least a few square feet, has a strong odor, or you notice extensive water damage, you should take special precautions. This may even be a good time to call in a professional. The goal is to avoid contaminating the remainder of your home. You will also have to protect yourself from breathing in the particles from the mold.

  • Do wear old shoes and clothes that you can throw away after cleaning up.
  • Wear special N-95 or P-100 respirators as well as gloves and goggles.
  • Use an old box fan or a cheap new one to help ventilate the air in the room while you are working. When you are finished, make sure to throw them out, since the spores can become impossible to clean off.
  • Tape and wrap moldy carpeting in plastic, and double bag any debris that is mold infested for disposal.
  • Moisten moldy areas using a garden sprayer while you are working to control airborne spores.
  • Turn off your AC or furnace while you are working and make sure that all air ducts and doors are covered.
  • Keep your wet/dry vacuum outside while you are using it.

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Be sure to use an antimicrobial spray to clean the area once the moisture has been dried up. This will prevent the mold from returning. For musty odors, such as in basements, it may be more effective if you fog the entire room instead.

Soap and water to remove mold is the best method since it has surfactants to help get rid of the mold. While some people may think bleach is the  best method, it actually doesn’t contain the same properties as soap and water when it comes to removing mold.

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