Learn Cloud Computing for Free with These 7 Websites


Learn Cloud Computing for Free with These 7 Websites

In today's rapidly advancing tech landscape, cloud computing has emerged as a crucial skill for professionals across industries. As businesses migrate

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In today’s rapidly advancing tech landscape, cloud computing has emerged as a crucial skill for professionals across industries. As businesses migrate to the cloud, the demand for skilled individuals who can navigate this dynamic field is higher than ever. This article aims to guide you on your journey to learn cloud computing for free, providing insights into reputable platforms and resources.

Why learn cloud computing?

Before delving into the where and how, let’s explore why cloud computing is a must-learn skill. Beyond its evident relevance in the IT sector, cloud computing offers scalability, cost-efficiency, and flexibility. The industry demand for professionals with cloud expertise is soaring, making it a valuable addition to your skill set.

The Basics of Cloud Computing

For beginners, understanding the fundamentals is crucial. Cloud computing comprises infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). Each plays a distinct role in the cloud ecosystem, and grasping these concepts sets a solid foundation for further learning.

Top 7 Websites for Free Cloud Computing Learning

1. AWS Training and Certification

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides an array of free learning resources, including tutorials, documentation, and hands-on labs. AWS’s Training and Certification platform offers a structured pathway to mastering cloud concepts.


  • Comprehensive training resources covering a wide range of topics.
  • Industry-recognized certifications.
  • Hands-on labs and practical exercises for real-world application.


  • Limited free certification exams; additional fees for some certifications
  • Advanced courses may have a steeper learning curve for beginners.


  • Free introductory courses; certification exam fees vary.

2. Microsoft Learn

Microsoft’s learning platform, Microsoft Learn, offers free courses on Azure, Microsoft’s cloud computing service. With interactive modules and challenges, it caters to all levels of learners.


  • Interactive Learning with hands-on labs
  • Integration with Microsoft’s cloud services, like Azure.
  • Varied learning paths are suitable for different skill levels.


  • Some advanced courses may require a Microsoft Azure subscription.
  • Limited depth in certain specialized topics.


  • Free courses are available; an Azure subscription may be required for some labs.

3. Google Cloud Training

Google Cloud Training provides free, on-demand courses and hands-on labs. From fundamental concepts to advanced topics, Google’s platform ensures a comprehensive learning experience.


  • Google Cloud’s expertise in cloud infrastructure.
  • Free access to on-demand courses and labs.
  • Real-world scenarios for practical Learning.


  • They limited in-depth coverage of certain niche topics.
  • Certification exams may have associated fees.


  • Free introductory courses; certification exam fees vary.

4. Coursera

While Coursera is known for paid courses, it also offers free cloud computing courses from top universities and institutions. Audit the classes for free or apply for financial aid for certification.


  • Courses from top universities and institutions.
  • There are diverse specializations in cloud computing.
  • Option to audit many classes for free.


  • Full access to course materials may require payment.
  • Limited hands-on labs compared to dedicated platforms.


  • Free auditing is available, as are fees for graded assignments and certifications.

5. edX

Similar to Coursera, edX provides access to courses from renowned universities. Many systems are free to audit, and certification options are available for a fee.


  • Courses from prestigious universities.
  • Flexibility to audit many classes for free.
  • Option to earn a verified certificate for a fee.


  • Certification fees for verified certificates.
  • Limited hands-on labs compared to specialized platforms.


  • Free auditing is available; fees for verified certificates.

6. LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning offers a variety of free courses on cloud computing, covering topics like cloud security, AWS essentials, and more. It’s a valuable resource for professionals looking to upskill.


  • A broad range of cloud computing courses.
  • Integration with LinkedIn for professional networking.
  • Practical insights from industry experts.


  • Requires a subscription for full access.
  • Limited depth in certain advanced topics.


  • Subscription-based; free trial available.

7. Cloud Academy

Cloud Academy provides free trials and a substantial collection of free resources. With a focus on practical skills, it’s an excellent choice for hands-on learners.


  • Focus on practical skills and hands-on learning.
  • Learning paths tailored to different cloud roles.
  • Free trials are available for premium content.


  • Full access to all features requires a subscription.
  • Limited depth in comparison to some specialized platforms.


  • Subscription-based; free trials available

Hands-On Learning Resources

Learning by doing is key to mastering cloud computing. Most platforms mentioned above offer practical exercises and labs, allowing you to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. Additionally, major cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud provide free-tier options for hands-on practice.

Community Support and Forums

The journey to mastering cloud computing is more enjoyable when shared with a community. Engage with forums, social media groups, and other online communities dedicated to cloud computing. Connecting with experienced individuals can provide valuable insights and support.

Tips for Efficient Learning

To make the most of your learning journey, set realistic goals, track your progress, and stay consistent. Break down complex topics into smaller tasks, and celebrate your achievements along the way. Cloud computing is a vast field, so pacing yourself is essential.

Real-Life Applications

I was wondering how your newfound cloud skills apply in the real world. Cloud computing is integral to various industries, from healthcare to finance. Explore case studies and success stories of individuals who kick-started their careers with free cloud learning resources.

Overcoming Challenges

Learning a new skill comes with challenges. Common hurdles in cloud computing include the vast amount of information and staying motivated. Break down your learning into manageable chunks, seek support from the community, and remind yourself of the exciting opportunities that come with cloud expertise.

Future Trends in Cloud Computing

As technology evolves, so does cloud computing. Stay informed about emerging trends, such as edge computing, serverless architecture, and artificial intelligence in the cloud. This knowledge positions you at the forefront of the industry, opening doors to exciting opportunities.


In conclusion, learning about cloud computing for free is not only feasible but also rewarding. The resources provided by top platforms offer a well-rounded education, and the hands-on experience ensures practical skills. Don’t hesitate—embark on your cloud computing journey today and witness the doors it opens for your career.


1. How long does it take to learn about cloud computing?

The learning duration varies, but with consistent effort, you can acquire foundational knowledge in a few months. Mastery comes with continuous practice and real-world application.

2. Are these free resources suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! The recommended platforms cater to learners of all levels, providing introductory to advanced courses.

3. Can I get certified through free cloud computing learning platforms?

Many platforms offer certification paths. Some may be free, while others require a fee for certification. Check each forum for specific details.

4. What job opportunities are available after learning about cloud computing?

Cloud professionals are in high demand across industries. Opportunities include cloud architect, engineer, developer, and consultant roles.

5. Are there any prerequisites for starting cloud computing courses?

Basic computer knowledge is helpful, but most platforms offer beginner-friendly courses. Dive in, and you’ll pick up the prerequisites along the way.

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