Omicron: Where did the new strain of corona virus come from

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Omicron: Where did the new strain of corona virus come from

Omicron: Where did the new strain of corona virus come from, and what good would it do scientists to find out?. When scientists in South Africa encoun

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Omicron: Where did the new strain of corona virus come from, and what good would it do scientists to find out?. When scientists in South Africa encountered a new type of code 19, Omicron, two things became quite clear. The first and most important was the number of visible changes in this type of virus. There were a number of mutations that had not yet been detected in the genetic monitoring by the global network of experts. Dr. Richard Lesiles, an infectious disease specialist at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa, was part of the team that first discovered the Omicron type in late November.

“Some things were very different in Omicron,. He and his colleagues felt that something unusual had happened. They think that Omicron evolved into a single low-resistance person in sub-Saharan Africa and then spread to more than 40 countries. Dr. Richard suggests that this person’s immune system may have been weakened by leaving HIV untreated. There are at least two other reasons for this kind of phenomenon, but the scientific community is strongly supporting the hypothesis of evolution in the ‘individual’. But why is it important to know where and how Omicron came into being?

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Beginning of Omicron

We do not know exactly where and under what circumstances Omicron evolved, but we do know that it was first reported to the World Health Organization on November 24. It is important for scientists and public health experts to know where and how the new strain of the virus came into being as it may be a better way to prevent the spread of the virus, such as lockdowns or travel restrictions (although these measures are not. It is also criticized for being effective.)

The sooner a new strain is detected, the more time we have to test its severity and to find out how quickly it spreads. Does it cause more serious illness, can it dodge the body’s immune system?. The question of how it came to be is just as important. If Omicron evolved within a single individual with a weakened immune system, then monitoring such individuals could be important in the fight against code. Dr. Larry Corey, a virologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, USA, says: But he says “these people have not yet emerged as an important part of the code prevention strategy.”

How would an Omicron evolve into an individual

Scientists say they have a number of clues to make “rational estimates” about the evolution of Omicron. Dr. Richard says that Omicron is very different from current types. “Genetic analysis has shown that it exists on a completely different branch of the virus’s genealogy.” More importantly, Omicron does not have a record of recent changes, but its closest form is the mid-2020s. Fran is Ballu, a professor of computational biology systems at University College London, says the space suggests that the omnivorous Omicron virus evolved “secretly”. “It’s from an unknown place and it’s very, very different,” he says. Omicron’s analysis revealed that there are 50 mutations in this new type, of which 30 mutations are in the spike protein. This is the part of the virus that determines how the virus communicates with the body’s immune system. In the Delta type, by contrast, there were only seven mutations in the spike protein.

So how did this new type of virus change so much compared to its predecessors without even being seen?. Although most people lose the code 19 in a short time, research from around the world has shown that the virus can live longer in people with weakened immune systems, such as patients with HIV. V or have been diagnosed with cancer or have had an organ donated. Due to the low resistance of its prey, the virus has the opportunity to make many changes in itself, otherwise it usually needs to spread to a wider population. In December 2020, Cambridge University researchers looked at samples from a cancer patient who died of cod in the UK in August this year. These patterns showed signs of a significant change that was also seen in the alpha type. Alpha has been described by the World Health Organization as the first “cause of concern” for the virus, and its first report came out in the UK last year.

The patient died 101 days after the initial diagnosis.

The study was led by Ravi Gupta, a professor at the Cambridge Institute of Therapeutic Immunology and Infectious Diseases. He told the BBC: “A typical corona virus infection lasts for only seven days and there is not enough time for the virus to adapt and evolve because the immune system is fighting it. ۔ ‘ Professor Gupta says a severe infection caused by a weakened immune system provides a more favorable environment for the virus to thrive. “The virus needs a complete or at least partially dysfunctional immune system to thrive,” he says. Last June, Dr. Richard and his colleagues studied samples of corona obtained from a woman in South Africa who had not been treated for HIV.

Repeated genetic analysis of the samples revealed “significant changes” in the evolution of the virus. Researchers warn that this could be the start of a new public health emergency. In an article published in the December 1 issue of the scientific journal Nature, Dr. Richard and his colleagues estimated that 8 million people in sub-Saharan Africa who have not been treated for HIV are not currently receiving effective antiviral treatment. This includes people who have never been tested for the disease. If Dr. Richard and Professor Gupta are right, this is the ideal place for new types of viruses to flourish.

Other Theories

Scientists say there are two other plausible assumptions about the origin of Omicron. One hypothesis is that the virus first infected the population of an unknown animal, then returned to humans after undergoing mutations in it, just as early in March, according to a World Health Organization report. The coronavirus has spread to humans. But Dr. Larry Corey says that genetic analysis of Omicron so far indicates that it evolved in humans. “The data suggests that this (assumption of animal migration) is not as likely as the result in front of us,” says Corey. Professor Baloo says his team did not find any “clear clues” about animal migration.

Another hypothesis about Omicron is that it thrives not within an individual but in the population of an area where there is not much genetic monitoring, as is the case in many African countries. It then reached South Africa. Brazilian biologist and independent researcher Dr. Attila Eamerino believes this is the case with Omicron. Eamerino sees in it a resemblance to the emergence of another worrying species, the Gemma, which massively affected Manas, the most densely populated city in the Amazon region, in early 2021.

“Even when Gemma was discovered, it was assumed that the virus had evolved in a single individual with a weakened immune system, but it was later discovered that the backbone between Gemma and the initial code was already secret,” he said. But the local population was spreading and at the same time they changed. Eamerino believes that more research could be done about Omicron. “It simply came to our notice then. Omicron emerged from a continent with less testing and monitoring than any other country in the world. According to him, “Omicron must have been circulating in Africa for a longer period of time than our current estimates.”

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Who is Patient Zero

Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online. Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online. The first person to be infected with a virus or bacteria is called Patient Zero. It is important to identify the first person to be affected by a particular disease as it provides answers to many important questions about the disease, such as how, when and why.

These answers can help save people from current or future epidemics. But scientists have not yet been able to identify the first person to be infected with Omicron or any other type of code. Dr. Richard Lesells believes that the chances of finding the first patient of Omicron are extremely low. He says there is a need for “balanced evidence” in favor of one of the possible reasons for its onset. However, they also view the failure to identify the first patient in a positive light. “What we don’t want is an increase in the stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV,” he said.

Instead, Leslie believes the “individual” ideology should lead to an increase in vaccinations in Africa. And they are not alone in thinking that public health officials should make non-vaccinated people an immediate priority. Overworld in Data, a joint project of Oxford University and an educational welfare organization, estimated in November that less than 7% of Africans had been fully vaccinated, compared to 40% globally. Dr. Michael Head, a senior research fellow in global health at the University of Southampton in the UK, believes that if we want to prevent the emergence of new strains of cod, we need to focus more on the unequal supply of vaccines.

“There will be a number of factors that contribute to the emergence of new types of vaccines, but the inequitable supply of vaccines is certainly one of the main reasons. I believe that Omicron is the result of this inequality in Africa. “Omacron is another reminder to us that more vaccines should be provided and that the current inequality in vaccine delivery is allowing Code 19 to flourish,” says Michael Head. “If you have not been vaccinated, you are more likely to get seriously ill and stay sick longer.” It also means that the virus has more opportunities to transform itself, which increases the risk of a new type of concern emerging and we may need to learn another Greek alphabet

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