The Best Personal Loans for Bad Credit in India


The Best Personal Loans for Bad Credit in India

Are there any alternatives to bad credit loans? Yes, there are some good options that are available where you can consider getting a personal loan wit

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Are there any alternatives to bad credit loans? Yes, there are some good options that are available where you can consider getting a personal loan with bad credit. It is especially important for those who do not have a good credit history, credit profile, credit score, or income. When the eligibility criteria are low, it becomes very difficult for an individual to get a personal loan. However, there are alternatives that make it easy for an individual to take out an instant personal loan online.

  • If you have an existing loan, or if you have good relations with a bank or non-banking financial institution, you can surely get in touch with them to offer you a customised loan in an emergency or under any circumstance. The current loan provider will definitely be able to help you. If you look for a new loan provider, you will find it very difficult to get a personal loan. Therefore, you can always speak to your existing loan provider about offering a customised loan where the tenure may be short and the rate of interest can be high.
  • Get a loan guarantor. Since the individual is not able to meet the eligibility criteria in terms of credit profile, he or she can get a loan with the help of a loan guarantor, who makes it easy for one to borrow. However, finding a loan guarantor will definitely not be an easy matter. In a loan guarantor, if the individual with bad credit does not pay the monthly installment, it is paid by the loan guarantor. Therefore, the risk will be low, and you can get a personal loan even with bad credit. You can check the loan amount with a personal loan EMI calculator.

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  • An individual with bad credit eligibility can apply for an overdraft facility against a fixed deposit or current account. Even if you do not have any balance in your current account or savings account, you can still be eligible for a credit limit with a rate of interest every day. The overdraft facility is a secured one because you get a loan against your fixed deposit or current account asset. This is one of the best and safest options for individuals with a low credit profile.
  • Secure a personal loan if you believe you do not meet credit eligibility requirements in terms of credit score and income.If you have any property or assets that you do not use, make sure you are able to secure the personal loan with the help of these assets with the loan provider. If you pledge collateral or a security with a bank or financial institution, it becomes easier for an individual with bad credit to get a personal loan in Bangalore or in some other cities because the security makes the risk low. Therefore, even if the individual is not able to make the payment, the banks or the non-banking financial institutions will easily recover the pending amount from the asset or security that has been pledged by the individual.
  • Credit unions that act as an alternative to traditional old banks The credit union offers personal loans even if you have a low credit score or bad credit. The individual needs to be a member of the credit union to get a personal loan with a bad credit score. These credit union organisations are very supportive and make sure that every member of the organisation is served in the right manner when it comes to financial turmoil and emergencies. This is one of the best ways in which you can get a personal loan with bad credit.
  • Credit cards are another option that is available even if you have a bad credit history. It will be difficult to get credit cards from banks if you have a bad credit history. However, there are digital platforms and non-banking financial institutions that offer flexibility in credit profiles and offer credit cards even when you have a low credit score and a bad credit history. There are a good number of options just meant for individuals with bad credit. However, you need to understand that when you take a credit card with a bad history, the rate of interest will be very high and the credit limit will be low. You can always take a chance to apply for a credit card, but there is no guarantee that you will get one.
  • Go for the payday loans. It comes with a fixed tenure based on the number of days left for your salary to be credited to your account. For example, if you are to receive your salary in the coming seven days, you can take a payday loan only for the seven-day loan term. This is why it is not very advisable to go for this option because you get a very small period of time to repay the loan and the rate of interest is high, which can become a burden on you.
  • Build your credit if you find that you have a low credit history and bad creditworthiness. Therefore, it is always recommended that you use your own savings in order to make sure that you don’t end up being in a burden where the loan is expensive and don’t damage your credit score further by applying for multiple loan applications.

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  • You can always get help from your friends and family if nothing works out well. Undoubtedly, it becomes very difficult for an individual with bad credit to explore any personal loan or line of credit from the loan industry. If nothing is working out well, you can always get help from friends and family to meet emergency needs.

Wrapping up

Personal loans are risky because they are unsecured, so credit eligibility is critical.If you need an instant personal loan online, you need to make sure that you fulfil all the credit eligibility and loan requirements.

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