Why Blue Diamonds Are So Important For Scientists

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Why Blue Diamonds Are So Important For Scientists

Diamonds came into being billions of years ago and the selection of a few of them has dazzled our eyes. Today, diamonds are considered a symbol of ete

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Diamonds came into being billions of years ago and the selection of a few of them has dazzled our eyes. Today, diamonds are considered a symbol of eternal love, wealth and luxury. In the past, they were considered to have healing properties, and it was believed that the use of diamonds provided protection against enemies, evils and even nightmares. In India, diamonds were associated with Vedic and later Hindu deities.

According to the tradition of 868 AD, a diamond is the object by which you can “break the idols of worldly deception and attain true and eternal light.” But perhaps the greatest interest in diamonds came from the ancient Greek poets, for whom diamonds were the tears of the gods or of the falling stars. Surprisingly, the truth about diamonds today is as astonishing as all these beliefs.

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Diamonds are made from the element that is the basis of life itself, namely carbon. Extraordinarily strong, they may again go through the same pressure that they have been in during the process of coming into being. However, if the right combination of heat and oxygen is found, the diamonds will disappear again in the form of a wave of carbon dioxide.

In addition to its extraordinary luster, diamond is the strongest material and also the best, a thermal conductor with extremely low heat dissipation rate and also does not react with other chemicals, from ultraviolet to extreme. The spectrum of infrared rays can pass through it. And it’s one of the few materials that doesn’t accept electrons.

Diamonds are formed naturally in some places on Earth: in the depths of continental crayons or in meteor-affected areas. They have historically come to the surface in an explosive way, in a way that is very strange to look at and like a volcano whose roots are very deep in the planet.

Not all diamonds are transparent or slightly yellow or brown, as we generally think. They are also colors and are called ‘fantasy’: red, blue and green are the rarest colors and orange, purple, yellow, yellow and green are the most common colors.

But once formed, diamonds have the unique ability to store any of the minerals in their crystal line structure, which enables scientists to find a special sample of minerals in the Earth’s crust as well as miles below the planet’s surface. Provide a glimpse of the situation. And in that sense, the blue diamond is extraordinary.

Extremely interesting

Most diamonds are formed at a depth of about 150 km underground. But blue diamonds are also found four times deeper in the lower layers of the earth. They were discovered in 2018, and Avon Smith, a geologist at the Gemological Institute of America, who is the lead author of the research on these diamonds, revealed that because these gems are ‘so expensive’, they are intended for scientific research purposes.

Therefore, it becomes difficult to reach them. Not only are they valuable but they are also very pure, because when they are being made they do not contain any other material or small pieces of non-diamond material in the vicinity. These features provide more information to scientists. But they managed to analyze 46 blue diamonds and determine their location between 410 and 660 km depth.

Many specimens even showed clear evidence that they came from more than 660 kilometers below the earth’s surface, meaning that they originated in the very lower layers of the earth.
It turns them into real time capsules and information containers that are almost impossible to find.

“We can’t go to the interior of the earth,” George Harlow, a geologist and curator at the Gem and Mineral Rooms at the American Museum of History in New York, told BBC Rail. Diamonds are made there and usually wrap up whatever is on the bottom. “It’s like a space probe. Eventually some of them reach the surface of the earth so that we can do research on them. Any example of the signal they gave us?

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Blue diamond, a mystery

Blue diamonds have long been a mystery because it is not known why they are so beautiful. Eventually it was discovered that they contained traces of boron, a metallic chemical element that could penetrate its crystal lattice structure during its diamond formation. But once the mystery was uncovered, another mystery unfolded.

If blue diamonds form in the earth’s crust and the boron crust is concentrated in them, then where did the boron come from? The answer to this biochemical puzzle will tell us about the depths of our planet. The Smith-led research group hypothesized that the storm came from the ocean and moved toward the Earth’s crust when one tectonic plate slipped beneath another. This process is called subduction.

By incorporating itself into the water-rich minerals, it managed to spread to the depths of the ocean floor, even to the layers of the ocean floor. The discovery of traces of boron in diamonds produced at such a distance from the Earth’s surface suggests that, unlike previously thought, water-containing minerals travel much deeper, which is a very deep hydrological Indicates the possibility of cycling. As Harlow says, blue diamonds are not only beautiful and rare, but also extremely interesting. They teach us a lot about our planet.

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